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I'm Maria Yrsa Rönneus, artist, graphic designer, and author of historical fiction and contemporary romance novels.

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My own story...


A lifelong interest, historical accuracy is critical to me – the plot must work inside the facts. Lucky then, that the vast amount of research that precedes writing a historical novel is absolutely my idea of fun.


Try as I might, I can't compete with Drayton's (1563–1631) eloquence when he described the struggle between heart and intellect that is the creative process. For me, writing is the serial axing of ones' darlings paired with paralyzing self-doubt. Fair then to ask why one would volontarily subject oneself to such anxiety. The answer is simply that not creating is not an option. The ideas must come out one way or other, lest they will haunt you at night and rob you of sound sleep forever. When one allows oneself to succumb to the ideas, creating can be a very gratifying experience: liberating, elating. The perfect watercolour wash or the exact nuance of language in a sentence can feel like flying.

Writing and painting are solitary pursuits, and it is a terrifying leap of faith to ever show one's work to anybody. A breathless tightrope act of courage, when one would rather curl up and whimper at the very thought.

Yet, here we are, and since you, esteemed Reader, are in fact reading this, you must have some interest in my work. For this, I sincerely thank you and I hope that you shall enjoy my stories as much as I do. If you do, please consider leaving a review on Amazon, on Goodreads, on your own blog, or on social media.


Ars Rönnei Media is the label under which I gather words, paint, and pixels, you'll find links to my art and graphic design portfolios and more in the footer. No part of my work was created with the "aid" of AI. All stories, art, cover design, even research and editing has been made entirely by humans.

My studio is located in the south of Sweden. Here, my husband and I are fortunate that the magpies let us use their garden and we grow veg, roses, and dahlias in it.

Current Projects In Writing

Image by Mitchell Kmetz

A romcom in uniform – the age-old tale of a city girl and a small town boy clashing over cupcakes in Idaho.

© 2024 Ars Rönnei Media

Artworks and illustrations portfolio, latest news about exhibitions and events.

Graphic design services and portfolio. Commission custom book covers or shop a professional premade.

Blog about the creative process, sharing poetry, back-stories, character insights, tips on graphic design, a bit of history, and a pretty picture or two.

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